Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Money Focus website, the goal of this site is to guide visitors into a broader understanding and appreciation of finance, investing, money, and the economy and how each affects our lives, particularly during this financial crisis. On this site, the approach to the topic of money as it relates to relationships, jobs, family, investments, etc., can be best described as straight talk where there is no "beating around the bush".

This site aims to address subjects in a non-technical way, so whether it's about finance, investing, money, or the economy, the goal is to keep it simple, choosing rather to talk about these and other related subjects in a language that is understandable, absent any complicated and convoluted explanations, arguements, and misunderstandings that only confuse and discourage people from wanting to learn more about money and how it affects them and the world in which they live.

Besides keeping things simple and approachable on all matters explained and discussed, the overall objective is that everybody learns something new and/or whose understanding on covered subjects is broadened.

You are invited to visit the Money Focus website regularly as it evolves and grows in content and technical features, and to read each new article when it is posted. If you would like to be notified whenever a new article is available for reading, or for other inquiries and communications, email your request to:money-focus@money-focus.com